Guardianship Attorney Peoria IL

Find Answers from a Guardianship Attorney in Peoria IL

If you are wondering about the pros and cons of becoming a guardian, you can get legal advice to inform your decision from a Brave Law guardianship attorney in Peoria IL. A legal guardian is an agency or person appointed by the court to make decisions for a party who is not capable of doing so by themselves. You may find yourself wondering whether establishing guardianship is right for you. If you are caring for a senior citizen, a child, or person with physical or mental disabilities, you may want to become a court appointed guardian.

 Guardianship Attorney Peoria IL
  • Brave Law guardianship attorney Amanda K. Stanley provides compassionate legal counsel.
  • She understands Illinois guardianship laws and procedures.
  • Stanley will work to find the best possible resolution for your circumstances.

You can receive a free case review at the Brave Law Center. Contact us today to get the answers you want from our guardianship attorney in Peoria IL.

What Are the Benefits of Becoming a Legal Guardian?

It is important to understand how establishing guardianship can bring positive outcomes for you and those for whom you provide care. The Brave Law Center wants you to understand that becoming a guardian can bring important advantages not available under the law in other ways. Here is a brief overview of significant advantages provided by becoming a guardian of someone.

  • Legal Rights – The legal rights and powers you receive are some of the most important reasons to become a guardian. When you form a guardianship, you have the legal power to make medical, financial, and lifestyle decisions for your ward.
  • Improving Life – Becoming a guardian of an elderly relative, child, or disabled person can allow you to provide a better life than they would have by themselves.
  • Social or Medical Obligations – A guardian also has the power to take care of obligations for their wards regarding school matters, medical care, or financial concerns. As a guardian, you can sign school permission slips, sign off on medical treatment, or take care of legal matters without delays or complications.

To further discuss the benefits of becoming a guardian, contact the Brave Law Center now to speak with our guardianship attorney in Peoria IL.

How Many Types of Guardianship Are There?

You might not be familiar with all the forms of guardianship there are under Illinois law. If you have questions about finding the right kind of guardianship for your situation, contact the Brave Law Center to consult with our guardianship attorney in Peoria IL. Here is a summary of different forms of guardianship.

  • Plenary Guardianship – The court can appoint a plenary guardian after it determines the incapacity of an adult ward. Essentially, the court finds that the adult is unable to care for themselves. Plenary guardians can handle decisions for the incapable party, their estate, or both.
  • Limited Guardianship – A limited guardian gets legal rights to care for their ward which are specifically designated. The court outlines in detail the decisions for personal care or personal finances for which the guardian can handle. Otherwise, the ward retains some legal rights and freedoms on matters not outlined in the court’s decision.
  • Guardianship of the Person – This form of guardianship is used when a person “because of his disability, lacks sufficient understanding or capacity to make or communicate responsible decisions regarding the care of his person.” Therefore, the guardian makes decisions on things such as habilitation, education, vocation, and medical treatment.
  • Guardianship of the Estate – A guardian of the estate makes decisions about management of the ward’s property and finances.
  • Standby Guardianship – These guardians work toward being a safety net, easing the burden on the primary guardian, and ensuring the ward’s wellbeing is maintained, even in their absence.
  • Temporary Guardianship – The court often appoints this kind of guardian when the ward needs immediate assistance or is in urgent danger. The guardian can make decisions during the specified time outlined by the court, ending when the short-term crisis the ward faces gets resolved.
Guardianship Attorney Peoria IL

Contact Our Local Guardianship Attorney

Amanda K. Stanley can provide you with all the information and answers you need concerning guardianship. If you have more questions, please contact Brave Law now to speak with our guardianship attorney in Peoria IL. Our firm specializes in all aspects of family law, including adoption, divorce, child custody, and more. Call 309-685-7900 or email to request a consultation.

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