Protect Your Rights with a Criminal Defense Attorney in Lewistown IL
You need to act quickly if you are being charged with a crime by hiring a Brave Law criminal defense attorney in Lewistown IL. Call 309-547-3516 to start building a successful defense to protect your rights and interests.
You may start to worry about serving jail time when you first learn that you will face criminal charges. However, it is important to remain calm and get the help you need to avoid a potential jail sentence. You need to consult with Brave Law criminal defense lawyers about your case. They will bring a track record of success and extensive trial experience to assist you with your defense. Plus, our attorneys will serve you with honesty and integrity. They will tell you the truth about the most likely outcomes in your case, not just what you want to hear.
If you are facing criminal charges, do not speak with anyone else. Consult first with a Brave Law criminal defense attorney in Lewistown IL. Prosecutors can use the information you tell them against you. So, contact us right away to discuss your case.
DUI and Traffic Criminal Defense Attorney in Lewistown IL
Do not make the mistake of taking DUI or traffic-related charges against you lightly. If you receive a conviction, you could face consequences like the following:
- Suspension of your driver’s license
- Fines and court fees will cost a lot
- Points against your driving record that will cause your insurance rates to increase
Get the legal assistance you need to fight traffic tickets or DUI charges with a Brave Law criminal defense attorney in Lewistown IL. We do not judge you if you are a repeat offender. Our law team will only focus on providing the best possible defense in your case. Our lawyers will work to get charges dismissed, reduced to non-moving violations, or negotiate for desired alternative penalties. Plus, our lawyers can also help you with license reinstatement after a revocation.
Drug Offense Criminal Defense Attorney in Lewistown IL
What you do not know about the law concerning drug charges could cost you big. Whether you face misdemeanor or felony drug charges, you need to start building the best defense for your case. Consult with a Brave Law criminal defense attorney about what happened. They can identify errors made by law enforcement that could lead to charges getting dismissed or reduced. Some common mistakes made by law enforcement during a traffic stop include:
- Fourth Amendment Violation – An officer who conducts a traffic stop with creating grounds for “reasonable suspicion” can violate your rights against unreasonable search and seizure.
- A Search Made without Consent – Law enforcement sometimes conducts searches of vehicles without probable cause and consent of the driver or vehicle owner. This also violates your rights protected by the Fourth Amendment.
- Searches Conducted with an Uncertified Canine Officer – Canine officers are required to stay current with training. If the canine officer used to conduct the search was not current on training, this can also lead to charges getting dropped or reduced.
- Lengthy Prearrest Detention Times – Our criminal defense attorney in Lewistown IL can work toward suppression of evidence. If you were detained past a point where you should have been allowed to leave before an arrest was made, you could fight the prosecution’s case.
Disorderly Conduct Criminal Defense Attorney in Lewistown IL
You may not fully understand the charges against you if you are charged with a disorderly conduct crime. So, consult with Brave Law to start building a defense and get a better understanding of the charges against you. Some examples of disorderly conduct include the following:

- Making a false report – Authorities can charge you for false reporting of a crime. It diverts resources away from the investigation of other crimes in the community.
- Verbal or physical altercations – Law enforcement can charge you if you engage with others in a verbal or physical fight. Thus, it affects people involved in the fight and others around it.
- Threats against a school – Making threats of violence against a school such as bomb threats or use of weapons to threaten the safety of faculty and students can result in felony disorderly conduct.
- Taking part in a riot – If a peaceful protest turns violent and fights that injure and threaten the safety of the public break out, disorderly charges can result.
- Privacy invasion – Disorderly conduct charges can also result if you are caught violating someone else privacy with lewd or criminal intentions.
Contact a Criminal Defense Attorney in Lewistown IL
Protect your rights if you are facing criminal charges by consulting with a Brave Law criminal defense attorney in Lewistown IL. Thus, our attorneys will mount your best defense. Call 309-547-3516 or contact us online to discuss your case.