The Top DUI Lawyer East Peoria IL Wants on Their Side
Because we handle DUI cases every single day, we can help you avoid stiff penalties, license revocation and jail time. Rely on us for your free initial consultation right after facing a charge or impending charge. Our team knows how to best handle DUIs, how to lessen your fines or jail time, and how to reinstate your license after multiple offenses. Brave Law Center P.C., a reputable, experienced DUI attorney, has your best interests at heart in the Eureka, Peoria, Washington and East Peoria areas. We have the top DUI lawyer East Peoria IL wants on their side. That’s because we know how scary it can be to face a DUI; as such, we act as a calming force to guide you through the process.
DUI in East Peoria

DUI, short for driving under the influence, can also be referred to as OUI and DWI. Police can charge you with any of these if you are caught driving with anything from alcohol and marijuana to hard drugs and prescription drugs. Basically, whatever substance can impair judgement while behind the wheel is considered a DUI. However, you still have rights. Brave Law can help you protect them. Also, false arrests are made every single day. Don’t be a victim. Call us immediately. We have the experience necessary to handle these types of cases.
Did you know about 30,000 people are arrested in Illinois annually on DUI charges? Did you also know that 90% of those are first offenses?
Rely on our legal team to give you the support, assistance and answers you deserve during this complicated time. Please call us even if you’re a repeat offender, as we can devote the resources and experience you need in a sensitive case of this nature.
Contact Our DUI Lawyers in East Peoria IL
If you have been charged with a DUI in East Peoria, call Brave Law immediately at 309-213-2216. Alternatively, you can send us a confidential message online or email us at info@getbravelaw.com.