Rely on Brave Law For a Criminal Attorney Morton IL Believes In

A criminal charge brings with it lots of questions and accusations by law enforcement. Are you prepared to answer those questions? Brave Law Center P.C. can provide the backbone that gives strength to your case. Call us when charged with a crime and we will help. In fact, we work with you every step of the way, thanks to our team that expedites all necessary documentation. Lawyers Jason Netzley and Amanda Stanley oversee every case to ensure you’re getting top-notch service and attention. But it’s imperative that you call us as soon as you face suspicion or are charged with a crime. We have a team of tenacious lawyers who have experience in everything from misdemeanors to felonies. When you call us, you will get a Request Reservation to discuss your case. Our team can then advise you of all possible outcomes and discuss strategy going forward. Get peace of mind regarding your felony or misdemeanor charge. Rely on Brave Law for a criminal attorney Morton IL believes in.
Criminal Law in Morton
Our team handles every part of criminal law, offering qualified legal advice and representation for the following areas:

- Driver’s license reinstatement
- Criminal law
- Felonies
- Misdemeanors
- Traffic violations
From DUI to felonies, Illinois law can be pretty stiff. Why go it alone and risk your freedom and your clean record? Because we know the ins and outs of the state’s ever-changing laws, we help you secure desired results. It’s important to note that if you are charged with a misdemeanor or felony, you could receive jail time from as little as one month to 90 years. Don’t rely on a cheap attorney. Retain the services of reputable, experienced legal counsel.
Contact Our Criminal Attorneys in Morton IL
Brave Law is your destination for never-back-down legal counsel and advice. Call us immediately when faced with a criminal charge at (309) 685-7900 for your Request Reservation. You can also send us a message online or email us at